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From Mineral Springs to Bed Springs
A history of hotels and resorts in the Foothills of the Smokies
by Missy Tipton, Paulette Ledbetter, Melissa Tipton
Paperback, 202 Pages, Published 2007 by Iuniverse, Inc.
ISBN-13: 978-0-595-45457-0, ISBN: 0-595-45457-7

"As America matured, the more affluent citizens began to enjoy vacations, prompting the creation of an industry to service that growing segment. Inns and hotels were erected at preferred locations for the vacation crowd. The Southern Appalachian Mountains were ideal vacation destinations due to their breathtaking scenery, the relative ease of access to population centers, the unpolluted air, the recreational opportunities, and the existe ..."

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Melissa Tipton

Paulette Ledbetter

Missy Tipton