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Books by Bella Gutterman

The Gurs Haggadah
Passover in Perdition
by Bella Gutterman, Noʻomi Morgenshṭern, Naomi Morgenstern, Belah Guṭerman, Aryeh Ludvig Tsukerman
Hardcover, 104 Pages, Published 2003 by Devora Pub
ISBN-13: 978-1-930143-33-3, ISBN: 1-930143-33-8

"Facsimile edition of a handwritten Passover Haggadah from the Gurs detention camp, where Jewish prisoners celebrated the Festival of Freedom behind barbed wire. Mortality was extremely high under inhuman conditions of freezing cold, quicksand, poor food and barracks that hardly provided shelter. In the summer of 1942, most of the inmates were transported to Drancy and from there to Auschwitz. "The Haggadah as written with paintings by ..."

A Narrow Bridge to Life(1st Edition)
Jewish Slave Labor and Survival in the Gross-Rosen Camp System, 1940-1945
by Ibrt Bella Gutterman, Belah Guṭerman, Bēlā Gûṭerman
Hardcover, 304 Pages, Published 2008 by Berghahn Books
ISBN-13: 978-1-84545-206-3, ISBN: 1-84545-206-2

""[The book] makes several important contributions to scholarship in the field of Holocaust studies...[Readers] will find a wealth of valuable information made accessible to the English reader for the first time." · American Historical Review By 1944 a large part of Eastern Europe had already been liberated by the Red Army, and the Allied forces were continuing to move in from the west after success at Normandy. Yet, in Lower Silesia, ..."

From Lwow to Parma(1st Edition)
A Young Woman's Escape from Nazi-Occupied Poland (Library of Holocaust Testimonies)
by Klara Rosenfeld, Rosenfield K., Bella Gutterman, Yad Vashem, Belah Guṭerman
Paperback, 160 Pages, Published 2005 by Vallentine Mitchell
ISBN-13: 978-0-85303-603-6, ISBN: 0-85303-603-9

"Klara Rosenfeld was born in 1924 in Lwow, Poland. This book chronicles her experiences of life under the Soviets, the German occupation, life in the ghetto, her rescue by an Italian soldier and her escape to a convent in Italy. After the war Klara was located by the Jewish Brigades and united with other Jewish survivors in a 'kibbutz' in Parma. In 1946 she joined more than a thousand survivors on the ship Antzo Sireney, bound for Palest ..."

Fighting for her People
Zivia Lubetkin, 1914-1978
by Bella Gutterman
Hardcover, 534 Pages, Published 2015 by Yad Vashem Publications
ISBN-13: 978-965-308-487-2, ISBN: 965-308-487-9

"Standing out in the training communes of the Zionist youth movement Freiheit, in Byten, Poland, Zivia Lubetkin became one of its foremost activists. With the onset of WWII, she turned into a courageous leader in the Zionist underground in the Soviet Union and in the Warsaw ghetto, as well as during the Polish uprisings and in the efforts to rehabilitate the Holocaust survivors."

La Haggadah de Pessah du Camp de Gurs
Pessah 1941 (French Edition)
by Bella Gutterman, Naomi Morgenstern
Hardcover, 148 Pages, Published 1999 by Yad Vashem Pubns
ISBN-13: 978-965-308-074-4, ISBN: 965-308-074-1

"Edition fac-similée d'un manuscrit et de dessins d'une Haggadah de Pessah du camp d'internement de Gurs, où les prisonniers Juifs avaient célébré la sortie d'Egypte derrière les barreaux. Le taux de mortalité était extrèmement élevé, en raison des conditions inhumaines de détention, du froid intense, de la mauvaise qualité de la nourriture, du bourbier permanent et des baraques qui étaient loin de servir d'abris. Au cours ..."

Para que lo sepan las generaciones venideras
La recordación del Holocausto en Yad Vashem (Spanish Edition)
by Avner Shalev, Belah Guṭerman
Hardcover, 326 Pages, Published 2005 by Yad Vashem Publications
ISBN-13: 978-965-308-320-2, ISBN: 965-308-320-1

"Este álbum acompaña al lector por la historia en Yad Vashem. No es tan solo historia de los judíos como de la humanidad toda, a través de historias personales, documentos, obras de arte, películas y millares de fotografías de un mundo que ya no existe. Parte del material se publica aquí por primera vez."

Memoria della Shoah a Yad Vashem (Italian Edition)
by Bella Gutterman, Avner Shalev
Hardcover, 344 Pages, Published 2013 by Yad Vashem Publications
ISBN-13: 978-965-308-433-9, ISBN: 965-308-433-X

"Il complesso museale di Yad Vashem è stato progettato per rispondere alle variabili necessita delle diverse generazioni e per fungere da ponte tra il mondo distrutto e la vita che è ripresa. Il complesso raccoglie le vaste conoscenze accumulate nella ricerca sulla Shoah e colloca in primo piano l'individuo e il mosaico di quella che era la vita ebraica prima della Shoah. Questo volume guida il lettore attraverso gli eventi seguendo lo s ..."

The Wolfsberg Machzor 5705
Wolfsberg Labor Camp, Germany, 1944
by Bella Gutterman, Naomi Morgenstern, Naftali Stern
Hardcover, 92 Pages, Published 2002 by Yad Vashem Publications
ISBN-13: 978-965-308-158-1, ISBN: 965-308-158-6

"A facsimile edition of the New Year prayer service handwritten from memory by Hungarian Cantor Naftali Stern on pieces of paper torn from cement sacks in the Wolfsberg Labor Camp, part of the infamous Gross-Rosen slave labor complex, in which conditions were especially difficult. Yet even under the harshest conditions, the Jews continued to celebrate the holy days."

To Bear Witness - Holocaust Remembrance at Yad Vashem(2nd Edition)
by Avner Shalev, Belah Guterman
Hardcover, 323 Pages, Published 2005 by Ktav Publishing House
ISBN-13: 978-965-308-248-9, ISBN: 965-308-248-5

Afin que sache la jeune génération...Shoah et Mémoire à Yad Vashem
(French Edition)
by Avner Shalev
Hardcover, 326 Pages, Published 2005 by Yad Vashem Publications
ISBN-13: 978-965-308-329-5, ISBN: 965-308-329-5

Das Ende! Radom und Szydlowiec in den Augen eines deutschen Fotografen
(German edition)
by Belah Guṭerman
Hardcover, 232 Pages, Published 2013 by Yad Vashem Publications
ISBN-13: 978-965-308-444-5, ISBN: 965-308-444-5

The Auschwitz Album
published in association with the Panstwowe Museum, Auschwitz-Birkenau
by Israel Guttman, Yah Vashem, Bella Gutteman, Bella Gutterman, Belah Guṭerman, Panstwowe Museum Staff, Yad Vashem
Hardcover, 304 Pages, Published 2003 by Yad Vashem Pubns
ISBN-13: 978-965-308-149-9, ISBN: 965-308-149-7

"It may have been the magic touch of the "angel of history," or just a simple miracle, that led to the survival of the rare photographic document, the "Auschwitz Album", to be donated to the photo archives of Yad Vashem. This Album is unique in the entire world. It documents, in about two hundred photos from every direction and from every angle, the process of arrival, the enlisting, the selection, the confiscation of property and the pr ..."

Taniklik etmek. Yad Vasem'de Holokost'u anma. Translated by Estreya Seval Vali.
by Bella Gutterman
Paperback, Published 2007 by Gozlem Gazetecilik Basin Ve Yayin A.S.
ISBN-13: 978-9944-994-07-1, ISBN: 9944-994-07-3

""Dolayisiyla bizim icin ozgurluk saati bile agir ve boguk caldi ve ruhumuzu sevincle ama yine de aci veren bir utanc duygusuyla... ayni zamanda da kederle doldurdu, cunku bunun asla olmamasi gerektigini, artik hicbir seyin gecmisimizi silecek kadar iyi ve saf olamayacagini ve zulûm yaralarinin sonsuza kadar icimizde kalacagini hissediyorduk." Primo Levi, Ateskes"

Das Auschwitz-Album
(German Edition)
by Bella Gutterman, Israel Gutman, Nach Themen Kulturgeschichte, Tamar Avraham, Alma Lessing, Yad. Vashem, Thomas Walter, Hg I.
Hardcover, 277 Pages, Published 2005 by Wallstein Verlag Gmbh
ISBN-13: 978-3-89244-911-9, ISBN: 3-89244-911-2

"Die Geschichte eines TransportsGebundenes BuchDas Auschwitz-Album ist ein einzigartiges Dokument. Es zeigt aus der Perspektive der Täter einen einzigen Tag eines im Mai 1944 in Auschwitz angekommenen Transports ungarischer Juden.Systematisch fotografiert ein SS-Mann die Menschen und hält alle Stationen dieses Tages von der Ankunft über die Selektion bis hin zum Warten vor den Gaskammern emotionslos fest. Diese Aufnahmen stellt er dann z ..."

Verbum Holocaust bibliotheek Het Auschwitz album(1st Edition)
reportage van een transport
by Israel Gutman, Bella Gutterman
Hardcover, 249 Pages, Published 2005 by Verbum, Uitgeverij
ISBN-13: 978-90-808858-7-5, ISBN: 90-808858-7-8

"Fotoboek met opnamen gemaakt tijdens de aankomst en selectie van joodse gevangenen in het concentratiekamp Auschwitz."

All Authors

Bella Gutterman

Belah Guṭerman

Naomi Morgenstern

Avner Shalev

Yad Vashem

Noʻomi Morgenshṭern

Aryeh Ludvig Tsukerman

Ibrt Bella Gutterman

Bēlā Gûṭerman

Klara Rosenfeld

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